Friday 20 November 2009

More colours

I've been spending a lot of time with ink lately, getting a bit of it all over myself and some of it onto fabric, thankfully (and some cardboard too = fun) Each time I walk past the growing mounds of ink, I see this stack of colours and think maybe I'll have to combine them on a tea towel soon...or maybe I'm the only one into brown, baby blue and charcoal (I do have specific but sometimes odd taste!)


  1. Great colours together. Can't go wrong with brown and baby blue.

  2. Nup. You are most definitively not the only one into that particular colour combo!

  3. Just happen to stumble upon your blog, and I have to leave a comment. We store inks in the same manner - the reusable plastic tub! :D

    ... or is everyone else the same? I'm not quite sure as I haven't really visited any screenprinter's studio.


Nice to hear from you!

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